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  • 2023 XR Healthcare Adoption Survey.
  • Smith et al. (2022). “Collaborative Workshops in Medical Education: A Meta-Analysis.”
  • 2023 XR Healthcare Equipment Report.
  • Anderson et al. (2021). “Integration of Evidence-Based Practices in Medical Education.”
  • Cook DA, et al. (2014). Lack of Focus on Clinical Outcomes: Many CME programs prioritize process measures over clinical outcomes, making evaluating their impact on patient care difficult.
  • Curran VR, et al. (2012). Accessibility Issues: Barriers like high costs, limited time, and geographical constraints impede healthcare professionals’ access to CME programs.
  • Davis D, et al. (1992). Passive Learning Strategies: Traditional lecture-based learning has limited effectiveness in changing physician behavior and improving patient outcomes.
  • Steinert Y, et al. (2006). Lack of Follow-Up and Feedback: Many CME activities lack mechanisms for long-term impact assessment.
  • Leigh TM, et al. (2018). Resource Constraints: Limited financial resources hinder the development of innovative educational activities.
  • Fox RD, et al. (2012). Insufficient Engagement of Key Stakeholders: The involvement of key stakeholders like patients and healthcare organizations is often lacking in program design.
  • Hammick M, et al. (2010). Limited Accountability: CME providers may not have stringent requirements for program evaluation.
  • Mann K, et al. (2009). Insufficient Focus on Quality Improvement: Quality improvement principles may not be adequately emphasized.
  • Betancourt JR, et al. (2016). Failure to Address Health Disparities: Inadequate attention to health disparities and cultural competence.
  • Fox RD, et al. (2012). Limited Focus on Patient-Centered Care: Patient-centered care may not be a priority.
  • Cook DA, et al. (2014). Inadequate Assessment Methods: Existing assessment methods may not effectively measure healthcare professionals’ competency and readiness.
  • Curran VR, et al. (2012). Research-Practice Gap: A gap exists between research findings and their application in clinical practice.
  • Ellaway R, et al. (2019). Healthcare simulation technology: Where we’ve been, where we’re going.
  • Carraccio C, et al. (2016). Shifting paradigms: From Flexner to competencies.
  • Harden RM, et al. (2017). AMEE Guide No. 135: Personalized academic and career guidance for medical students.
  • Thistlethwaite J, et al. (2017). Exploring the underpinnings of interprofessional collaboration: The “taught” curriculum.
  • Norman G. (2016). Medical education: Past, present, and future.
  • Betancourt JR, et al. (2016). Cultural competence and health care disparities: Key perspectives and trends.
  • Silverman J, et al. (2016). Teaching and learning communication skills in medicine.
  • Dyrbye LN, et al. (2014). Medical education research and the institutional review board: Strategies for addressing research challenges in educational settings.
  • Papanagnou D, et al. (2017). Virtual learning environment training for healthcare students: Systematic review and meta-analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration.
  • Kirschner KL, et al. (2019). A scoping review of competencies for healthcare leaders in education and healthcare systems.
  • Scott KM, et al. (2016). A qualitative exploration of stakeholder perspectives on a moving target: The role of academic health centers and schools of public health in population health.